“In June 2011, a Relatives’ Room was dedicated for use by the families and friends of those who donate their bodies to medical science and teaching at the Anatomy department in the Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute. In the absence of a normal funeral, accompanying the donor to the college and spending a little time in the Relative’s Room with the donor’s coffin provides the bereaved family with some consolation as they have the opportunity to say goodbye to their loved one.
While the donor is in our care, families are welcome to use this space to gather for significant occasions such as Anniversaries, Christmas etc. Relatives and friends of donors may view the Book of Remembrance in this room by appointment.” (https://www.tcd.ie/medicine/anatomy/donation/)
Image: Anna Furse, 2016. The Old Anatomy Theatre, Trinity College Dublin. Siobhan Ward (left) and Philomena McAteer (right).